New Fiction and July Updates
Don’t you love the word ‘mollusc’? It’s like a piece of toffee in the mouth but requiring less dental work.
Don’t you love the word ‘mollusc’? It’s like a piece of toffee in the mouth but requiring less dental work.
“I can’t speak for everyone that does what I do, but I LOVE asking people questions. People are fascinating and often questions lead people to share a really interesting (or weird, or both) anecdote or story and that is the BEST!”
I took some time; I talked to people. I did some research; I procrastinated on Twitter. And then I let all that percolate until a decision brewed: I need to focus my website on building up an audience.
“What am I trying to achieve with this? What do I want to be different in the world as a result of me doing this?”
Talk to any writer and they’ll have an individual taste for what they consider a ‘good’ beta-reader. These are my guidelines.
“The debut novels you see in bookstores might be the author’s first published novels, but they’re not necessarily the authors’ first novels. It might be their second, third, fourth novel. One of the most crucial attributes you need to be a novelist is to have patience. Plenty of it. It’s a slow process.”
One of my stories got accepted!
It’s the first one since I started doing the 100 Rejection Challenge, and after all the weeks of doom and gloom it is a very welcome change!
Last week I wrote about not being hard on myself. Stressed out, tired, cold: I felt very down.
This week I’ll focus on things that I am doing.