
It took me a little while, but I did realize what I want the blog to do: grow an audience for my fiction, because at the end of the day, that’s what I’m here for, my fiction.

So a few resolutions:

  • post new fiction once a month if possible;
  • work on fiction specifically for the site;
  • more guest posts (check back next week for a new Things I Wish People Asked Me At Parties)

I’ve started a collection of Sinferrean short fiction–containing companion pieces to Ashes and Embers; world-building pieces; fairy tales and legends, that sort of thing–that I’m calling When The Goddess Walked. I have a few finished fairy tales and novellas already so I will pace them out and continue working on additional pieces. Eventually I plan to bundle them all together as a ePub for sale while I query Ashes and edit Embers. The first piece is now live: The Girl and Two Geese, a cautionary Saphiran fairy tale about a too-clever farmer’s daughter and the Fog at the end of the world.

Outside the blog, the initial edits for Space Crazies are done and it’s out for beta! No idea yet when I will get it back but I have an editor lined up who is eager to dismantle it and put it back together again, better faster stronger…

Next up on the editing board is Blackout Odyssey, under my Michaela Mowbray psuedonym. Once those two are away, I’ll be starting in on Embers, likely in the fall. I may, if the writing bug bites, dust off an idea I had a few years ago for a segmented/sequential adventure fantasy story that would be great for a blog; but I might also save that for NaNo2018. We shall see! Things are afoot, at least, which is a relief after the dragging, endless gloom of the winter.

Oh and I’m up to rejection #54. Half-way there and on track for 100 rejections by the end of the year! But I’ll also see if I can step it up a little… fingers crossed!

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