Limbo and NaNo2018
My anticipation is making me antsy, but it’s not because I am anticipating being a mentee. Rather, the opposite.
My anticipation is making me antsy, but it’s not because I am anticipating being a mentee. Rather, the opposite.
Some days the rejections don’t even bother me. Some days I see the notification and the first two lines “Dear Victoria…” and I let out strangled wookiee noises and regret giving up wheat/sugar.
Getting back a lot of beta-reading comments can be discouraging enough, but it’s nothing like opening up a “finished” story that you’ve edited/workshopped until your eyes bled only to find it’s a yarn-basket of Word comments.
The summer went by and the pain of falling flat on my face during #PitMad faded. I was ready to try again.
36 was the year of setting a really good foundation for getting published. Here’s to 37!
There’s lots of work left to do, but I’m proud of myself for doing this much so far.
The story features an amusing use of the word ‘humidex’ (which none of my spell-checkers will accept). Enjoy!
Life is always surprising. I’m turning 37 in a month and I just found out I potentially have a disorder that affects my every day life.
Don’t you love the word ‘mollusc’? It’s like a piece of toffee in the mouth but requiring less dental work.