So How Goes Writing, Victoria – April Updates!
A quick update on how Camp NaNo and querying is going before I leave for vacation
A quick update on how Camp NaNo and querying is going before I leave for vacation
We should all take some time to work on a project that’s just for ourselves, not for the public, and that’s definitely what Fletcher & Cooper is for me.
“It goes like this: describe – in detail, with precision – some architecture, someone’s clothing, something in your POV character’s visual field.”
The fun scenes are done and you’re stuck with filling in all the gaps. You have three choices: slog, panic, or start something new. Unless there’s a way to rekindle the fun..
So How Goes Trying To Get Published, Victoria: the “Full Manuscript Request” Edition
My little baby is crawling! It’s on its way! Not only have I sent out my first queries, but I’ve already received my first rejection for it!
One thing that occurred to me while doing last year’s 100 Rejection Challenge was that, just like focusing on obtaining acceptances, collecting rejections is still dependent on other people’s decisions.