NaNoWriMo2018: SUCCESS
I hit 50K on the 22nd, and on the 30th I crossed both the 75K mark AND finished to the end of my plot notes!
I hit 50K on the 22nd, and on the 30th I crossed both the 75K mark AND finished to the end of my plot notes!
All fine and dandy like cotton candy! …Until I suddenly had a major problem.
My novelette Still Life went live at GigaNotoSaurus! Along with MY FIRST SOLO REVIEW!
Yesterday I hit a milestone: 100 queries sent so far this year!
Livingstone and Weekday’s adventures AS THEY ARE WRITTEN: A Journey from inside THE WRITER’S MIND
Life continues post Pitch Wars and it’s inspired me to start a new series: So How Goes Trying To Get Published, Victoria
My anticipation is making me antsy, but it’s not because I am anticipating being a mentee. Rather, the opposite.
Some days the rejections don’t even bother me. Some days I see the notification and the first two lines “Dear Victoria…” and I let out strangled wookiee noises and regret giving up wheat/sugar.