Good Pain
Getting back a lot of beta-reading comments can be discouraging enough, but it’s nothing like opening up a “finished” story that you’ve edited/workshopped until your eyes bled only to find it’s a yarn-basket of Word comments.
Getting back a lot of beta-reading comments can be discouraging enough, but it’s nothing like opening up a “finished” story that you’ve edited/workshopped until your eyes bled only to find it’s a yarn-basket of Word comments.
The summer went by and the pain of falling flat on my face during #PitMad faded. I was ready to try again.
36 was the year of setting a really good foundation for getting published. Here’s to 37!
I’ve worked hard for each and every rejection and like grey hairs I’m tired of pretending I don’t have any.
There’s lots of work left to do, but I’m proud of myself for doing this much so far.
“I am headstrong, a bit impatient and a self-starter, and that has served me well in writing, although it has not always led to me taking the most traditional paths.”
At 4:11 p.m. August 14, 2003 I was in my friend Jane’s kitchen.
The story features an amusing use of the word ‘humidex’ (which none of my spell-checkers will accept). Enjoy!
Life is always surprising. I’m turning 37 in a month and I just found out I potentially have a disorder that affects my every day life.