
Presenting my brand-new website! Thanks to both Ean Bowman and Alan Chow for their web wizardry.

I now have a website that more easily does what I need it to do–both host this here blag but also any free-to-read fiction I have to share. It’s a purchased template with a focus on long-form reading but apparently quite a lot of modifications had to go into the back-end to make it do what I want; WordPress doesn’t like you hosting two types of blog in a single site. But we’re doing it anyway. Hooray! Hopefully you’ll find it easier to navigate/read.

Last week’s #PitMad was very successful! (In a small, restrained way.) For the first time since I started participating, each tweet-pitch had a like from a small press!! And a lot of retweets and supportive comments. So I’m definitely getting the hang of it! Maybe? I am still not Good At The Social Medias but I’m learnding. I found this tweet super helpful:

One of the small presses was exclusively horror fiction which confused the hell out of me until I realized I had marked my tweet “#H” thinking that meant “humour”. Nope! “Horror”. (Humour is #HA) So that’s on me, and another good lesson in ALWAYS DOUBLE-CHECKING SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. I caught the mistake after the first tweet so the other two were correct and I queried the other two small presses. Fingers crossed!

Having my website done and #PitMad out of the way really frees up time for writing. My NotANaNo is going slower than I’d like but I’m starting to build momentum again. Episode 6 of Fletcher&Cooper is almost like the first part of a new/second book, since the plot abruptly changed direction; that means a lot more laying of groundwork than I expected.

But never fear, I am getting bored so shall start throwing eagle-bears into the mix. That always speeds things up!

What do you think of the new design?

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