Insert Subplot Here
A collection of my available short fiction, including links to free-to-read magazines as they become available, and some stories only available here. I write primarily SF and strive for character-driven stories, different viewpoints, and immersive world-building. Also sly humour, because me.

Blackout Odyssey
From escaping the underworld to fighting off Toronto raccoons, Mallory’s epic journey home during the 2003 Northeastern Blackout comes with a heavier cost than a replacement monthly pass in this genderbent retelling of The Odyssey!
Now available at Brainlag, Indigo, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and other major retailers.
Here’s a review from Publisher’s Weekly!

Mysterious contractors, a brush with the law, that cute café owner—Michelle’s already working up a sweat, and the gym she’s starting hasn’t even opened yet! Creampuffs is a nerdy comedy novel available on Smashwords and Amazon.
I am a writer, graphic designer, and artisan in equal parts, although some of those parts are more equal than others. I live in Toronto with my partner Lilithe Bowman and our two jerks cats.
You can reach me at v.feistner @ or on twitter: @vfeistner
Grace & Victory
In August of 2013 two Canadian writers discussed exploring the ins-and-outs of publishing using their day-job skills. One editor, one graphic designer, one web minion, and several cups of coffee later, G&V was founded. Check here for their latest release.