
Well well well, 2020. You’re bringing another surprise into my house.

After many months of hemming and hawing and weighing variables and also just, you know, being worried about trying something new, I have decided to take the plunge and do something I have done many times before – but in a new way: on Patreon.

For the past two years I’ve been running Submission Challenges and Writing Challenges and generally cheerleading and so on inside my writing FB group. It’s a role and responsibility I have enjoyed immensely, but sadly one of the disappointments of the year is that said FB group… sort of… dissolved? There was a mass exodus, certainly, and it hasn’t been the same since. I miss what it used to be.

So I have decided to start my own, and I’ve decided to go with Patreon. I’ve got a Discord channel called The Talk Shop for writers to… you know… talk shop (like a cafe! But free! And BYOB). And worksheets and Official Permission(tm) posters and I am really excited to add to add addtional perks in the future. I like creating challenges for people. I enjoy watching them level up their submission & rejection skills, and helping them reach new heights. I even (from time to time) enjoy using my design skills! And I am still hoping to grow an audience for my fiction. Grow it more so. I think Patreon is a good match for all that.

So. Starting October 18th, 2020 (this Sunday) I will be launching a two week bootcamp to get Patrons ready for NaNo, both by raising daily word counts and giving tips, prompts, and general encouragement (and even teaching how to banish your Inner Editor by writing garbage on purpose). And I’ll be following my own advice, too–for this year’s NaNo I want to finish the sequel to Fletcher & Cooper.

I hope you’ll at least check out my patron, if not consider subscribing. I’ve made the first tier deliberately low, because I don’t want to price anyone out. Either way I will still maintain my blog with any and all news, and I will see you around on the intertubes!

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