…and ready to finish Camp Nano.
I tried, I really did try, to finish my 40,000 word goal for the month before I left (meaning last Tuesday, so a week early). But–and some of you may be surprised to learn this–it’s really hard to work full time on a novel for months. The more I pushed myself the harder something inside me pushed back, and so no, I didn’t finish 40K in three weeks. I did 35K and that was with a lot of ranting and tears.
Then I went off to Vancouver and had a lovely time visiting with friends and family, eating every piece of sushi I could get my hands on, and reveling in jeans’n’hoody weather. (It is only 5 degrees here in TO today, and feels like -2.)

I had originally intended not to do any writing while I was on vacation buuuuut the anxiety over not meeting my goal kept me from enjoying myself fully, so while my friend was in church on Sunday I borrowed her laptop and did about 2K. Meaning I have 3K left to do today if I want to hit my target.
(Funny side note: after I landed in Vancouver and reconnected my phone I found 3 rejections waiting for me. I would get another two while I was there–and a partial request!–meaning I got more rejections on my vacation than the entire rest of April.)
So even though I am jet-lagged and still burnt out creatively, today is going to be a RedBull & Gif Day, a fake 5K Friday. I’ve got 3200 words to do; it’s 11am EST. *cracks knuckles*
Update the 1st: 3.24pm
Have had latte. Still feel like I’m pulling teeth today. Writing’s going really, really slowly and it shouldn’t be. I’m at a fairly interesting scene; I’m writing characters that I like; there’s that latte; yet each additional paragraph is like a push-up when my arms are already shaking. A tiny voice in the back of my head saying “just stop already”. But there’s only 924 words to go. I can do this.
Update the 2nd: 4.41pm
Exhausted. Am mid-scene, tying up some loose ends. Still need to finish the scene so might write some more tonight, but the important thing is that

Gonna go eat celebratory roti and then die now k bai
Update the 3rd: 8.21 pm
Huh. Did not die. In fact, went back to the compy after dinner and did another *checks notes* TWO THOUSAND AND TEN WORDS that can’t be right. I finished the scene/chapter/plot point anyway

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