Thematic Thursday: MYST + RIVEN
A review of my favourite soundtracks for writing to: the MYST 1 & 2 soundtracks by Robyn Miller
A review of my favourite soundtracks for writing to: the MYST 1 & 2 soundtracks by Robyn Miller
Dump, curate, KISS, and Eisenhower: Do Now, Do Next, Deal, Dismiss.
You want to write a novel. Start a side business. Practice your art. But there’s never any time in a day. And it’s haaaaard. So let’s figure out how to make it easier.
Often when ‘rhythm’ gets mentioned with respect to writing, it’s on the level of line-readings: the actual beat and flow of the sentences. But I think there’s a meta-rhythm too, that of plot-types and tropes.
What I accomplished in my 36th year (August to August)